Publications 2020




Albert C, Haase M, Albert A, Kropf S, Bellomo R, Westphal S, Westerman M, Braun-Dullaeus RC, Haase-Fielitz A

Urinary Biomarkers may Complement the Cleveland Score for Prediction of Adverse Kidney Events After Cardiac Surgery: A Pilot Study.
Annals of Laboratory Medicine 2020; 40: 131-141
DOI: 10.3343/alm.2020.40.2.131

Ammar A, Chtourou H, Boukhris O, Trabelsi K, Masmoudi L, Brach M, Bouaziz B, Bentlage E, How D, Ahmed M, Mueller P, Mueller N, Hsouna H, Aloui A, Hammouda O, Paineiras-Domingos LL, Braakman-Jansen A, Wrede C, Bastoni S, Pernambuco CS, Mataruna L, Taheri M, Irandoust K, Khacharem A, Bragazzi NL, Strahler J, Washif JA, Andreeva A, Khoshnami SC, Samara E, Zisi V, Sankar P, Ahmed WN, Romdhani M, Delhey J, Bailey SJ, Bott NT, Gargouri F, Chaari L, Batatia H, Ali GM, Abdelkarim O, Jarraya M, Abed KE, Souissi N, Gemert-Pijnen LV, Riemann BL, Riemann L, Moalla W, Gómez-Raja J, Epstein M, Sanderman R, Schulz S, Jerg A, Al-Horani R, Mansi T, Jmail M, Barbosa F, Ferreira-Santos F, Šimunič B, Pišot R, Pišot S, Gaggioli A, Zmijewski P, Apfelbacher C, Steinacker J, Saad HB, Glenn JM, Chamari K, Driss T, Hoekelmann A

COVID-19 Home Confinement Negatively Impacts Social Participation and Life Satisfaction: A Worldwide Multicenter Study.
Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17: 6237
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17176237

Apfelbacher C, Brandstetter S, Blecha S, Dodoo-Schittko F, Brandl M, Karagiannidis C, Quintel M, Kluge S, Putensen C, Bercker S, Ellger B, Kirschning T, Arndt C, Meybohm P, Weber-Carstens S, DACAPO study group, Bein T

Influence of Quality of Intensive Care on Quality of life/return to Work in Survivors of the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Prospective Observational Patient Cohort Study (DACAPO).
BMC Public Health 2020; 20: 861
DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-08943-8

Atzendorf J, Apfelbacher C, de Matos EM, Lochbühler K, Piontek D, Seitz NN, Kraus L

Do Smoking, Nutrition, Alcohol Use, and Physical Activity Vary Between Regions in Germany? - Results of a Cross-Sectional Study.
BMC Public Health 2020; 20: 277
DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-8352-2

Baum U, Baum AK, Deike R, Feistner H, Scholz M, Markgraf B, Hinrichs H, Robra BP, Neumann T

Eignung eines mobilen Trockenelektroden-EEG-Gerätes im Rahmen der Epilepsiediagnostik.
Klin Neurophysiol 2020; 51: 156-160
DOI: 10.1055/a-1222-5447

Baum F, Schoffer O, Neumann A, Seifert M, Kliemt R, March S, Swart E, Häckl D, Pfennig A, Schmitt J

Effectiveness of Global Treatment Budgets for Patients With Mental Disorders—Claims Data Based Meta-Analysis of 13 Controlled Studies From Germany.
Frontiers in Psychiatry 2020; 11: Article 131
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00131

Bein T, Weber-Carstens S, Apfelbacher C, Brandstetter S, Blecha S, Dodoo-Schittko F, Brandl M, Quintel M, Kluge S, Putensen C, Bercker S, Ellger B, Kirschning T, Arndt C, Meybohm P, Zeman F, Karagiannidis C

The quality of acute intensive care and the incidence of critical events have an impact on health-related quality of life in survivors of the acute respiratory distress syndrome – a nationwide prospective multicenter observational study.
Ger Med Sci 2020; 18: Doc01
DOI: 10.3205/000277

Blecha S, Brandl M, Zeman F, Dodoo-Schittko F, Brandstetter S, Karagiannidis C, Bein T, Apfelbacher C, DACAPO Study Group

Tracheostomy in Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Is Not Related to Quality of Life, Symptoms of Psychiatric Disorders or Return-To-Work: The Prospective DACAPO Cohort Study.
Ann Intensive Care 2020; 10: 52
DOI: 10.1186/s13613-020-00671-x

Böhmer MM, Buchholz U, Corman VM, Hoch M, Katz K, Marosevic DV, Böhm S, Woudenberg T, Ackermann N, Konrad R, Eberle U, Treis B, Dangel A, Bengs K, Fingerle V, Berger A, Hörmansdorfer S, Ippisch S, Wicklein B, Grahl A, Pörtner K, Muller N, Zeitlmann N, Boender TS, Cai W, Reich A, An der Heiden M, Rexroth U, Hamouda O, Schneider J, Veith T, Mühlemann B, Wölfel R, Antwerpen M, Walter M, Protzer U, Liebl B, Haas W, Sing A, Drosten C, Zapf A

Investigation of a COVID-19 outbreak in Germany resulting from a single travel-associated primary case: a case series.
Lancet Infect Dis 2020 [Online first]
DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30314-5

Bosma AL, Spuls PI, Garcia-Doval I, Naldi L, Prieto-Merino D, Tesch F, Apfelbacher C, Arents BWM, Barbarot S, Baselga E, Deleuran M, Eichenfield LF, Gerbens LAA, Irvine AD, Manca A, Mendes-Bastos P, Middelkamp-Hup MA, Roberts A, Seneschal J, Svensson Å, Thyssen JP, Torres T, Vermeulen FM, Vestergaard C, von Kobyletzki LB, Wall D, Weidinger S, Schmitt J, Flohr C

TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: protocol for a European safety study of dupilumab and other systemic therapies in patients with atopic eczema.
Br J Dermatol 2020; 182: 1423-1429
DOI: 10.1111/bjd.18452

Brandl M, Apfelbacher C, Weiß A, Brandstetter S, Baumeister SE

Incidence Estimation in Post-ICU Populations: Challenges and Possible Solutions When Using Claims Data.
Gesundheitswesen 2020; 82: S101-S107
DOI: 10.1055/a-1082-0777

Brandstetter S, Atzendorf J, Seelbach-Göbel B, Melter M, Kabesch M, Apfelbacher C, KUNO-Kids study group

Sociodemographic factors associated with health literacy in a large sample of mothers of newborn children: cross-sectional findings from the KUNO-Kids birth cohort study.
Eur J Pediatr 2020; 179: 165-169
DOI: 10.1007/s00431-019-03483-9

Brandstetter S, Rothfuß D, Seelbach-Göbel B, Melter M, Kabesch M, Apfelbacher C; KUNO-Kids study group

Information on, knowledge and utilisation of support services during pregnancy and after childbirth: cross-sectional analyses of predictors using data from the KUNO-Kids health study.
BMJ Open 2020; 10: e037745
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037745

Drynda S, Schindler W, Slagman A, Pollmanns J, Horenkamp-Sonntag D, Schirrmeister W, Otto R, Bienzeisler J, Greiner F, Drösler S, Lefering R, Hitzek J, Möckel M, Röhrig R, Swart E, Walcher F

Evaluation of outcome relevance of quality indicators in the emergency department (ENQuIRE): study protocol for a prospective multicenter cohort study.
BMJ Open 2020; 10: e038776
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038776

Gabes M, Chamlin SL, Lai JS, Cella D, Mancini AJ, Apfelbacher C

Evaluation of responsiveness and estimation of smallest detectable change and minimal important change scores for the Childhood Atopic Dermatitis Impact Scale.
Br J Dermatol 2020; 182: 348-354
DOI: 10.1111/bjd.18204

Gabes M, Chamlin SL, Lai JS, Cella D, Mancini AJ, Apfelbacher C

Development of a Validated Short-Form of the Childhood Atopic Dermatitis Impact Scale, the CADIS-SF15.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2020; 34: 1773-1778
DOI: 10.1111/jdv.16362

Gabes M, Tischer C, Apfelbacher C, quality of life working group of the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative

Measurement properties of quality‐of‐life outcome measures for children and adults with eczema: An updated systematic review.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2020; 31: 66-77
DOI: 10.1111/pai.13120

Gothe H, Swart E, Ihle P

Datennutzung im Gesundheitswesen aus Sicht der Versorgungsforschung.
G+G Wissenschaft 2020; 20: 7–13

Greiner F, Slagman A, Stallmann C, March S, Pollmanns J, Dröge P, Günster C, Rosenbusch ML, Heuer J, Drösler SE, Walcher F, Brammen D

Routinedaten aus Notaufnahmen: Unterschiedliche Dokumentationsanforderungen, Abrechnungsmodalitäten und Datenhalter bei identischem Ort der Leistungserbringung.
Gesundheitswesen 2019; 82: S72-S82
DOI: 10.1055/a-0996-8371

Haase-Fielitz A, Elitok S, Schostak M, Ernst M, Isermann B, Albert C, Robra B-P, Kribben A, Haase M

The effects of intensive versus routine treatment in patients with acute kidney injury – An explorative randomized controlled study.
Deutsches Aerzteblatt Online 2020; 117: 289-296
DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2020.0289

Howells LM, Chalmers JR, Gran S, Ahmed A, Apfelbacher C, Burton T, Howie L, Lawton S, Ridd MJ, Rogers NK, Sears AV, Spuls P, von Kobyletzki L, Thomas KS

Development and initial testing of a new instrument to measure the experience of eczema control in adults and children: Recap of atopic eczema (RECAP).
Br J Dermatol 2020; 183: 524-536
DOI: 10.1111/bjd.18780

Jacob D, Barduhn A, Tappe D, Rauch J, Heuner K, Hierhammer D, Vom Berge K, Riehm JM, Hanczaruk M, Böhm S, Böhmer MM, Konrad R, Bouschery B, Dauer M, Schichtl E, Hossain H, Grunow R

Outbreak of Tularemia in a Group of Hunters in Germany in 2018-Kinetics of Antibody and Cytokine Responses.
Microorganisms 2020; 8: 1645
DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms8111645

Klinkhammer-Schalke M, Kaiser T, Apfelbacher C, Benz S, Dreinhöfer KE, Geraedts M, Hauptmann M, Hoffmann F, Hoffmann W, Koller M, Kostuj T, Kowalski C, Mugele K, Ortmann O, Schmitt J, Schünemann H, Veit C, Wesselmann S, Bierbaum T

Manual für Methoden und Nutzung versorgungsnaher Daten zur Wissensgenerierung.
Gesundheitswesen 2020; 82: 716-722
DOI: 10.1055/a-1237-4011

Korsch M, Walther W, Robra BP, Sahin A, Hannig M, Bartols A

Pre-implantological treatment routines for alveolar ridge atrophy – an investigation among maxillofacial and oral surgeons in southern Germany.
BMC Oral Health 2020; 20: 195
DOI: 10.1186/s12903-020-01179-3

Leshem YA, Chalmers J, Apfelbacher C, Furue M, Gerbens LA, Prinsen CA, Schmitt J, Spuls PI, Thomas KS, Williams HC, Simpson EL, Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative

Measuring atopic eczema symptoms in clinical practice: The First Consensus Statement from the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema in Clinical Practice Initiative.
J Am Acad Dermatol 2020; 82: 1181-1186
DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.12.055

March S, Andrich S, Drepper J, Horenkamp-Sonntag D, Icks A, Ihle P, Kieschke J, Kollhorst B, Maier B, Meyer I, Müller G, Ohlmeier C, Peschke D, Richter A, Rosenbusch ML, Scholten N, Schulz M, Stallmann C, Swart E, Wobbe-Ribinski S, Wolter A, Zeidler J, Hoffmann F

Good Practice Data Linkage (GPD): A Translation of the German Version.
Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17: 7852
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17217852

March S, Zimmermann L, Kubat D, Neumann A, Schmitt J, Baum F, Schoffer O, Arnold K, Seifert M, Kliemt R, Häckl D, Pfennig A, Swart E

Methodische Herausforderungen bei der Nutzung von Daten von mehr als 70 gesetzlichen Krankenkassen – Ein Werkstattbericht aus der EVA64-Studie.
Gesundheitswesen 2020 [Online first]
DOI: 10.1055/a-1036-6364

Matterne U, Egger N, Tempes J, Tischer C, Lander J, Dierks ML, Bitzer EM, Apfelbacher C

Health literacy in the general population in the context of epidemic or pandemic coronavirus outbreak situations: Rapid scoping review.
Patient Educ Couns 2020 [Online first]
DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2020.10.012

Matricardi PM, Dramburg S, Alvarez-Perea A, Antolín-Amérigo D, Apfelbacher C, Atanaskovic-Markovic M, Berger U, Blaiss MS, Blank S, Boni E, Bonini M, Bousquet J, Brockow K, Buters J, Cardona V, Caubet JC, Cavkaytar Ö, Elliott T, Esteban-Gorgojo I, Fonseca JA, Gardner J, Gevaert P, Ghiordanescu I, Hellings P, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Fusun Kalpaklioglu A, Marmouz F, Meijide Calderón Á, Mösges R, Nakonechna A, Ollert M, Oteros J, Pajno G, Panaitescu C, Perez-Formigo D, Pfaar O, Pitsios C, Rudenko M, Ryan D, Sánchez-García S, Shih J, Tripodi S, Van der Poel LA, van Os-Medendorp H, Varricchi G, Wittmann J, Worm M, Agache I

The role of mobile health technologies in allergy care: An EAACI position paper.
Allergy 2020; 75: 259-272
DOI: 10.1111/all.13953

Moscato G, Apfelbacher C, Brockow K, Eberle C, Genuneit J, Mortz CG, Quecchia C, Quirce S, Siracusa A, Tarlo SM, van Kampen V, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Raulf M

GENDER AND OCCUPATIONAL ALLERGY (GOA): Report From the Task Force of the EAACI Environmental & Occupational Allergy Interest Group.
Allergy 2020; 75: 2753-2763
DOI: 10.1111/all.14317

Munblit D, Nekliudov NA, Bugaeva P, Blyuss O, Kislova M, Listovskaya E, Gamirova A, Shikhaleva A, Belyaev V, Timashev P, Warner JO, Comberiati P, Apfelbacher C, Bezrukov E, Politov ME, Yavorovskiy A, Bulanova E, Tsareva N, Avdeev S, Kapustina VA, Pigolkin YI, Dankwa EA, Kartsonaki C, Pritchard MG, Victor F, Svistunov AA, Butnaru D, Glybochko P

StopCOVID cohort: An observational study of 3,480 patients admitted to the Sechenov University hospital network in Moscow city for suspected COVID-19 infection.
Clin Infect Dis 2020 [Online first]
DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1535

Müller P, Achraf A, Zou L, Apfelbacher C, Erickson KI, Müller NG

COVID-19, physical (in-)activity, and dementia prevention.
Alzheimers Dement (N Y) 2020; 6: e12091
DOI: 10.1002/trc2.12091

Ofenloch RF, Weisshaar E, Apfelbacher C

New Evidence for Construct Validity and Interpretability of the German Quality of Life in Hand Eczema Questionnaire (QOLHEQ).
Contact Dermatitis 2020; 83: 189-195
DOI: 10.1111/cod.13603

Paudyal P, Apfelbacher C, Jones C, Siddiqui S, El-Turki A, DeGiovanni C, Smith H

"DLQI Seems to Be 'Action', and Skindex-29 Seems to Be 'Emotion'": Qualitative Study of the Perceptions of Patients With Psoriasis or Eczema on Two Common Dermatology-specific Quality of Life Measures.
Acta Derm Venereol 2020; 100: adv00105
DOI: 10.2340/00015555-3417

Piontek K, Richter A, Hegenscheid K, Chenot JF, Schmidt CO

Recall accuracy of notifications about incidental findings from an MRI examination: results from a population-based study.
J Epidemiol Community Health 2020 [Online first]
DOI: 10.1136/jech-2019-212824

Plomer AS, McCool-Myers M, Apfelbacher C

Perspectives on HIV PrEP Care in Germany: Qualitative Insights From Primary Care Physicians and Specialists.
AIDS Care 2020 32: 994-1000
DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2020.1778626

Robra BP

Manfred Pflanz (1923–1980), Versorgungsforscher – sein früher Beitrag zur Versorgungsepidemiologie der Appendektomie.
Gesundheitswesen 2020; 82: 607-613
DOI: 10.1055/a-1083-6391

Robra BP, Felder S

Homburgs Lockdown Analysis: Conclusions without Data and an Appropriate Estimation Model.
Econst Voice 2020; 17: 20200015
DOI: 10.1515/ev-2020-0015

Röhr S, Müller F, Jung F, Apfelbacher C, Seidler A, Riedel-Heller SG

Psychosoziale Folgen von Quarantänemaßnahmen bei schwerwiegenden Coronavirus-Ausbrüchen: ein Rapid Review.
Psychiatr Prax 2020; 47: 179-189
DOI: 10.1055/a-1159-5562

Rönsch H, Apfelbacher C, Brans R, Ofenloch R, Schuttelaar MLA, Weisshaar E, Bauer A

Protocol for the Development of a Core Domain Set for Hand Eczema Trials.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2020; 12: 2871-2876
DOI: 10.1111/jdv.16429

Sablotny-Wackershauser V, Betts MJ, Brunnlieb C, Apostolova I, Buchert R, Düzel E, Gruendler TOJ, Vogt B

Older adults show a reduced tendency to engage in context-dependent decision biases.
Neuropsychologia, 2020; 142: 107445
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107445

Salandi J, Icks A, Gholami J, Hummel S, Schultz K, Apfelbacher C, Sheikh A, Loerbroks A

Impact of pulmonary rehabilitation on patients' health care needs and asthma control: a quasi-experimental study.
BMC Pulm Med 2020; 20: 267
DOI: 10.1186/s12890-020-01301-9

Schipf S, Schöne G, Schmidt B, Günther K, Stübs G, Greiser KH, Bamberg F, Meinke-Franze C, Becher H, Berger K, Brenner H, Castell S, Damms-Machado A, Fischer B, Franzke CW, Fricke J, Gastell S, Günther M, Hoffmann W, Holleczek B, Jaeschke L, Jagodzinski A, Jöckel KH, Kaaks R, Kauczor HU, Kemmling Y, Kluttig A, Krist L, Kurth B, Kuß O, Legath N, Leitzmann M, Lieb W, Linseisen J, Löffler M, Michels KB, Mikolajczyk R, Pigeot I, Mueller U, Peters A, Rach S, Schikowski T, Schulze MB, Stallmann C, Stang A, Swart E, Waniek S, Wirkner K, Völzke H, Pischon T, Ahrens W

Die Basiserhebung der NAKO Gesundheitsstudie: Teilnahme an den Untersuchungsmodulen, Qualitätssicherung und Nutzung von Sekundärdaten.
Bundesgesundheitsbl 2020; 63: 254-266
DOI: 10.1007/s00103-020-03093-z

Schneeberger A, Brandstetter S, Bein T, Blecha S, Apfelbacher C

Stressors and strains of next of kin of patients with ARDS in intensive care: A qualitative interview study using a stress-strain approach.
Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2020; 57: 102783
DOI: 10.1016/j.iccn.2019.102783

Shedden-Mora MC, Kuby A, Tönnies J, Piontek K, Löwe B

Stepped, Collaborative,Coordinated Care for SomaticSymptom and Related Disorders(Sofu-Net) - A Mixed-Methods Evaluation Among Health CareProfessionals.
Zeitschrift für Psychologie 2020; 228: 119-129
DOI: 10.1027/2151-2604/a000405

Simma A, Potapow A, Brandstetter S, Michel H, Melter M, Seelbach-Göbel B, Apfelbacher C, Kabesch M, Gerling S; KUNO Kids Study Group

Electrocardiographic Screening in the First Days of Life for Diagnosing Long QT Syndrome: Findings from a Birth Cohort Study in Germany.
Neonatology 2020; 117: 756-763
DOI: 10.1159/000511572

Swart E, Gothe H, Hoffmann F, Ihle P, Schubert I, Stallmann C, March S

Aufbereitung und Validierung verschiedener Sekundärdatenquellen.
Gesundheitswesen 2020; 82: S1-S3
DOI: 10.1055/a-1083-5461

Swart E, Gothe H, Ihle P, March S, Schubert I, Stallmann C, Hoffmann F

Datenlinkage und spezifische Methoden der Sekundärdatenanalyse.
Gesundheitswesen 2020; 82: S91-S93
DOI: 10.1055/a-1099-0789

Ulrich R, Pischon T, Robra BP, Freier C, Heintze C, Herrmann WJ

Health care utilisation and medication one year after myocardial infarction in Germany – a claims data analysis.
International Journal of Cardiology 2020; 300: 20–26
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2019.07.050

Urbach D, Awiszus F, Leiß S, Venton T, Specht AV, Apfelbacher C

Associations of Medications With Lower Odds of Typical COVID-19 Symptoms: Cross-Sectional Symptom Surveillance Study.
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020; 6: e22521
DOI: 10.2196/22521

Woudenberg T, Böhm S, Böhmer MM, Katz K, Willrich N, Stark K, Kuhnert R, Fingerle V, Wilking H

Dynamics of Borrelia burgdorferi-Specific Antibodies: Seroconversion and Seroreversion between Two Population-Based, Cross-Sectional Surveys among Adults in Germany.
Microorganisms 2020; 8: 1859
DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms8121859

Yew YW, Zhao X, Apfelbacher C

The Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM): estimating the minimalimportant change (MIC) in an outpatient clinic cohort.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2020; 34: 1273-1279
DOI: 10.1111/jdv.16122

Book contributions

Piel J, Robra BP

Reconstructing Research About Close Relationships in Old Age: A Contribution From Critical Gerontology.
In: Klimczuk A, Tomczyk Ł (Hrsg.) Perspectives and Theories of Social Innovation for Ageing Population.
Frontiers Media SA Lausanne, 2020. S. 27-32
DOI: 10.3389/978-2-88963-620-4

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