Angela Ulrich

Angela Ulrich, B.A.
Medical faculty
Institute of Social Medicine and Health Systems Research (ISMHSR)
Research assistant
Institute of Social Medicine and Health Systems Research (ISMHSR)
Research assistant
Leipziger Str. 44,
39120 Magdeburg,
Bldg 66, office E324
Academic education
2014 - 2018 |
Bachelor of Arts in health promotion and management at Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences |
Scientific curriculum
11/2019 - current |
Research assistant in the core project „Autonomy in Old Age“ Institute of Social Medicine and Health Systems Research |
11/2018 - 11/2019 |
Referent for the association of prevention and rehabilitation of cordiovascular disease Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia (LVPR e.V.) |